Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48

Martin Luther encouraged people to always see one another in the best possible light.  There is also an expression that says: “walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me.”   I suspect we all fall short in this area at times. I know I do. I can be snarky with the best of them. 

Consider this story by Anthony De Mello. 

A woman complained to a visiting friend that her neighbor was a poor housekeeper.  “You should see how dirty her children are — and her house. It is almost a disgrace to be living in the same neighborhood as her. Take a look at those clothes she has hung out on the line. See the black streaks on the sheets and towels!”  The friend walked up to the window and said, “I think the clothes are quite clean, my dear. The streaks are on your window.” [The Heart of the Enlightened]

No matter how irritable, testy or miserable we are feeling these days, I think Luther’s words and the reminder to walk in someone ‘s shoes before being overly critical are good advice.  

 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. [1 Tim 2:1]

Lord, help me to remember that I am not perfect so I have no right to expect others to be. Amen

The Rev. Ellen Meissgeier