Receive our gratitude, holy God, for the years through which you have led us, and open us to the future you promise. In the years that lie ahead, grant us your encouragement in the work of ministry, your consolation in our defeats, and your challenge in our complacency. May we remember the past with thanksgiving and be open to new endeavors in the future; that all our work may be done to your glory. Amen.
The first worship service for the congregation that would take the name Resurrection (actually, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Resurrection) was held on April 24, 1960. The vote for what to name the congregation was taken on May 22 of the same year. Ground breaking for the church building took place on February 13, 1966 and the first service held at 620 Welsh Road was June 26, 1966.
It seems obvious “planting “a church is no small venture, but thanks to a group of faithful and determined individuals, here we are sixty years later. Resurrection Lutheran Church is blessed to still have among its attendees, a Charter member, Elsie Harpf. What a gift she has been and still continues to be.
Since its inception, seven pastors have served the congregation by leading the worship services, officiating at baptisms and weddings, presiding at funerals and providing pastoral care. In partnership with the seven pastors and five music directors, numerous lay people have served in many volunteer capacities to further Resurrection’s ministry to the world.
The Reverend
Elwood Semmel: February 1960 – November 1962
The Reverend Dean Hepper: June 1963 – April 1964
The Reverend Victor Gruhn: October 1964 – June 1984
The Reverend Peter Bullock: June 1985 – October 1988
The Reverend Glenn Zorb: May 1988 – May 1993
The Reverend Deborah McConomy-Wallace: June 1993 – September 1994
The Reverend Ellen Meissgeier*: September 1994 –
*Longest serving pastor
As times have changed so has the congregation. People are more mobile today so people regularly move into and out of the area. We have been intentional about being open and welcoming to all people making us more diverse than we were in 1960. A source of pride for some of us is that even though we started out as a blue collar congregation, in the past 15 years five young men from our congregation have gone on to earn their Ph D’s. It is our hope that they and many others who have worshipped with us during the past sixty years will join us for our 60th Anniversary Celebration of the being “centered in Christ, joined in prayer and equipped to serve”. Mark the date, it is already set: April 26, 2020.