
Pray Without Ceasing Wreath Mixed Media by Nancy Ingersoll1 Thess. 5:17  “Pray without ceasing”

Luther along with many others through the years has said when you feel you can do nothing else have heartfelt sympathy and pray. I feel strongly that prayer works and I begin each day that way. As we continue to be apart, well aware that many are struggling or afraid, I encourage you to let this be a day of focused prayer. I am including some areas of need to get you started…

For all affected by this pandemic

  • For children, of all ages, isolated from their lifeblood of time with friends. And for parents and guardians, school guidance counselors and therapists who recognize and help them deal with their fears and anxieties. 
  • For those who are unemployed and underemployed. 
  • People who live alone or are hospitalized away from family. 
  • For those who grieve and who are not able to gather with family to mourn their loss 
  • For those experiencing anxiety, depression, and/or risk of suicide during this crisis. 
  • For the college students whose lives have been interrupted who now are isolated and doing only distance-learning 
  • For the high school students, particularly seniors, missing graduation and end-of-year activities. 
  • For those who miss gathering in church especially at the Lord’s Table to share in his Supper. 

Holding you all in prayer +

The Rev. Ellen Meissgeier