A Prayer to Ponder

Lord, do not let us do more

if in doing less we might do it better.

Do not let us acquire more if in living with less

we might know You better.

We are easily swayed by size,

equating quantity with quality

wealth with security,

and applause with popularity.

Forgive us for spreading ourselves thin

for the sake of appearances.

Permit us to amend our ways

lest we miss the Baby in the stable,

the Boy in the carpenters shop,

the Teacher on the hillside,

and the Christ on the Cross. Amen 

[E. Lee Philips]

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
(Psalm 34:18)

At least fifty-two massive tornadoes paved an unimaginable, 200+ mile destructive path across seven states with 270 mph wind and 20 hail reports. Four highly-impacted quad-states – Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee – as well as Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi and Ohio sustained the most damage. Eighteen counties in Kentucky were impacted by tornadic activity, with some areas completely devastated. It is believed that a catastrophic EF-5 tornado touched down in both Mayfield and Taylor Counties. Buildings, homes, and complete neighborhoods leveled, power lines down, large trees uprooted, and dangerous debris scattered.

Please remember that we will be collecting for Lutheran Disaster Response in order to provide assistance to the communities that sustained so much loss and damage. And if you can do nothing else, pray!


The Rev. Ellen Meissgeier
Pastor, Resurrection Lutheran Church
Horsham, PA.