If I come alone?
Yes. You won’t be alone after you get here.
If I’m from another denomination or tradition?
Yes. In fact, while a lot of our folks are Lutheran lifers, a lot of our people come from other churches or none at all.
If I bring my family?
Yes. Kids, babies (crying, sleeping or otherwise),blended families, multi-racial families, cousins, live-in or visiting relatives, bring them all. You’re all welcome!
If I don’t bring my family?
If I bring some, but not all, of my family?
If I’m Single? Divorced? Separated?
Of course. Come and be who you are.
If I belong to a racial or ethnic minority?
Certainly. We not only welcome diversity, we like it. We want to be a colorful bunch in every sense of the word.
If I’m gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual?
Yes. Come and be who you are. It is disturbing when a devout person, or anyone, has trouble finding a church home because their sexual orientation bars them from full inclusion, or exposes them to discrimination, rejection and even hostility. If that’s been your experience, it is cause for grief. Let Resurrection be your refuge.
If I’m old?
Yes. We need you.
If I’m young?
Yes. We need you.
If I’m not sure what I believe?
Yes. We’re all on our pilgrim way, in various stages of doubt and faith, uncertainty and conviction. We do better when we can share and lean on one another. We need to be where the Gospel can speak to our questions. Come and be who you are. Seekers welcomed.
If I’m a lapsed Christian?
Yes. We’re all lapsed in one way or another. Come rediscover the treasures.
If I sit in someone else’s seat?
There are no assigned seats.
If I’m not ready to get involved?
Sure. We’ll give you the space you need.
If I don’t know how the worship service goes, what to do, when to speak, when to stand up or sit down?
No problem. Ask any usher or member and they will gladly help you. And feel free to remain seated if standing is difficult for you.
If I don’t dress up?
Yes. Come comfortable. Lots of our people dress casually because that’s their style. Others come straight from work wearing their work clothes. Some of our folks have health concerns that make very casual clothing best for them. Throw something on and come visit. We’d like to see you and frankly just don’t really care if your socks match.
If I wear my Sunday best?
Yes, of course. You’ll see coats and ties and dresses and heels right beside sweatshirts and sneakers. What you wear will be fine because you’re in it.
If I’m politically liberal or politically conservative?
Yes. We like diversity.
If I’m theologically liberal or theologically conservative?
Yes. What doesn’t change is our Christian and Lutheran identity. Week by week you’ll meet the scriptures and experience the Holy Trinity worshipped and proclaimed. Within that affirmation and commitment, with confidence in the power of prayer, and within the safety of the genuine love for one another that you find here, we are each free to be where we are, to be who we are, to be frank and trusting, and not have to agree about everything.
Resurrection seems to welcome pretty much anyone at all. Doesn’t that compromise Christian teaching?
No it fulfills it. We confess the Trinity: the Creator, the incarnation of God in the Savior Jesus Christ, the ever-present, living, transforming power of the Holy Spirit: the Christian faith of the ancient creeds. We don’t play God. We worship God.
Why does Resurrection welcome everyone?
Because God revealed in Jesus Christ has shown us love beyond measure, love that crossed every barrier we make. It is love that meets us where we are, that embraces us as we are. If Christ so welcomes us, we can do no less than welcome one another!