Restless Thoughts

Max Lucado writes a reflection in one of his books where he references Psalm 139, likely verse 23 “Search me out, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my restless thoughts.” The suggestion Mr. Lucado offers is to consider every moment to be an opportunity of communion with God. If memory serves me his focus is on the moments when we are somewhat unproductive or are doing menial tasks. He calculates although I am not sure how scientifically, that by the time life is over we will have spent six months at stop lights, six years sleeping, 18 months looking for lost belongings and five years waiting in line. 

Perhaps those times of unproductivity and restless thoughts would be put to better use if we gave such moments to God in prayer. While waiting in line or at a stop light there is ample time to thank God for the day or the beautiful weather, the gift of language reinforced once again by the book you so enjoyed recently. Consider those you have been asked to pray for, what better time than while waiting to offer an additional prayer. Our world suffers from a pandemic, there are lots of prayers needed these days. 

So rather than waste the time or allow it to frustrate or annoy you, offer up a whispered prayer; give thanks and praise to God. 

Let us pray:

Good and gracious God, we give you thanks for the patient suffering and death of your Son who rescues us from faithlessness and uncertainty. By your word and Holy Spirit guide us to greater patience and resilience as we continue to live during a pandemic. May we be mindful of the needs of others and try to model Christ-like lives as we reach out and care for one another. In moments of idleness and waiting help us to turn to you in thanksgiving and praise. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen