Tomorrow our nation pauses to observe Memorial Day. This day was formerly called Decoration Day. It is observed on the last Monday of May. Often individuals confuse Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Armed Services Day so let’s review.
Memorial Day honors those who died wearing the uniform.
Armed Forces Day (3rd Saturday of May) honors those who currently wear the uniform.
Veterans Day (Nov. 11th) honors those who used to wear the uniform.
Eternal God, we give thanks for all those who have shown the greatest love by laying down their lives for others. We especially thank you for those in our military throughout history who have sacrificed their lives for their fellow citizens and for us who came after. As we remember their service, keep us mindful of all those for whom this day is a burden, and send your spirit of comfort to them. Be present with all the women and men who are serving in the military today; let them live for the peace known only from you. Help us to be worthy of their legacy, and keep us mindful of their service, that in all things we may live our lives in praise and thanksgiving to you; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. [Prayer Book for the Armed Services, Augsburg Fortress 2013. page 65]

As some of the restrictions are beginning to ease and our patience is running low, please remember that the Covid-19 virus is still a threat. If you think it is not a threat to you because you are healthy, remember we share a responsibility to keep others safe. Continue to wear the mask when out, stay in as much as possible, physical distance from others and pray daily for our nation and world.
Hope you have a good day, today and tomorrow.
The Rev. Ellen Meissgeier