The hatred which divides nation from nation, race from race, class from class, Father, forgive.
The covetous desires of men and nations to possess what is not their own, Father, forgive.
The greed which exploits the labors of men, and lays waste the earth, Father, forgive.
Our envy of the welfare and happiness of others, Father, forgive.
Our indifference to the plight of the homeless and the refugee, Father, forgive.
The lust which uses for ignoble ends the bodies of men and women, Father, forgive.
The pride which leads us to trust in ourselves and not in God, Father, forgive.
[Coventry Cathedral, 1962 — from For All the Saints, Vol. 3]
When I am overly confident that I’ve done well on any given day, I find that I am quickly humbled when I review more closely my thoughts and deeds. Father, forgive I pray and then hope for a better tomorrow.
The Rev. Ellen Meissgeier