Monday of Holy Week

Lord, have mercy…

We have all seen the news reports — pastors defying the “Shelter in Place” orders and holding church services.

I just spoke with my brother who is in Florida and he said it seems to be a common occurrence there. How sad and how inappropriate that is. I cannot be more clear than to say that these pastors are NOT being faithful, they are putting God to the test and their flock in grave danger. I love you all too much to even consider that. 

Our modern technology is such a gift. It allows us the ability to stay connected in many and various ways and to hear the Word proclaimed in the safe environment of our homes. This time of physical distancing also provides opportunity for more scripture reading and reflection. In some ways this might just be the most focused Holy Week of my life. 

If you are finding yourself easily distracted or frightened even, consider how the disciples were feeling or better yet, Jesus himself, knowing what he faced. Read the Passion Story again or perhaps the texts of some Lenten or Holy Week hymns.

What language can I borrow to thank Thee, dearest friend, for this your dying sorrow, Thy pity without end? Oh, make me Thine forever, and should I fainting be, Lord let me never, never outlive my love to Thee. [stanza 3, “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”]

It is a beautiful day…another gift! Take a walk and give God thanks for the beauty that surrounds us.

The Rev. Ellen Meissgeier